The Stoned Templar - Author

The Alchemical Search for the Unified Field
This remarkable book is a treasure map for the scientific and personal pursuit of that which is hidden, the divine. It is as Magical as it is Alchemical! The Alchemical Search for the Unified Field is divided into three sections: Bell, Book, and Candle. In the first section, Bell, we answer the call as an initiate with a historical introduction. In the second section, Book, we climb the mountain of knowledge, discussing sacred geometry and the operative mechanics of the Philosophers’ Stone from the perspective of a 16th century alchemist. Here, the author draws on ancient Greek Pythagorean math and geometry to arrive at a chakra Hermetic Yoga arrangement on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. He then teaches us how to create the Philosophers’ Stone within ourselves using the Hermetic elements and the electrical network of our nervous system. In the third section, Candle, his accounts of his cross-cultural training by a contemporary Native American Shaman form one of the most moving and enlightening parts of the book. Using nature-based lessons we’re illuminated and guided on a spiritual journey of self-discovery, searching for the flower of wisdom, purging our ego to become better than we once were, learning the secrets of life, death, and rebirth.
Rebecca Jane Johnson, for Feathered Quill Book Reviews
“Enlightenment, meditation, and the powers of the human body and mind have never been so clearly described, illustrated, and made accessible to everyone, until now with the publication of The Alchemical Search for the Unified Field."
Poke Runyon, host, The Hermetic Hour
“This remarkable book is as Magical as it is Alchemical. The author teaches us how to create the Philosophers Stone within ourselves using the Hermetic elements and the electric network of the human nervous system. He draws on ancient Greek Pythagorean math and geometry arriving at a full seven chakra Hermetic Yoga arrangement on the Qabalistic Tree of Life that is nearly identical to one we use. His cross-cultural training is in Native American Shamanism and his accounts of his apprenticeship under a modern shaman form one of the most moving and enlightening parts of the book."
Saman Sheikh, author, The Spiritual Reflections of the Sufi Freemason
"As an initiate of both Sufism and Freemasonry, this book answered many questions that the modern lodge did not give me. The purpose of life and the alchemical transformation of man are questions that are answered here. I'm truly grateful to R.E. Kretz and this great work."